Why A Tooth May Need To Be Extracted

Dental extractions may be performed surgically or simply. A surgical extraction requires the cutting of the gums to remove the tooth. A dentist can perform a simple extraction by simply grasping the crown of the tooth and pulling it from its socket.

A dentist extracts the tooth or teeth to protect or improve your oral health. Your tooth may be extracted for a number of underlying reasons. Here are a few of them. 

Your Wisdom Teeth Are Causing Decay

Your wisdom teeth are positioned in the rear of your oral cavity and are the final permanent teeth in your mouth to present. Thus they can cause several problems:

  • Cleaning difficulties. Due to the location of the wisdom teeth in the mouth, they are difficult to brush and floss effectively. The head of a toothbrush may not fit into the tight space, and your fingers may not be able to navigate floss around the teeth.
  • Crowding. As the wisdom teeth present, they may place pressure on the other teeth, pushing them closer together. In some cases, the wisdom teeth may even push your other teeth out of alignment, resulting in crowding and crooked teeth. Crowded teeth can trap plaque and food particles more easily.

Once the wisdom teeth decay, they can spread the decay to the other healthy teeth in your mouth. The decay can also become severe enough to cause a dental infection that spreads to the jawbone.

By extracting the wisdom teeth, your dentist can protect the health of your other teeth. Keep in mind that your wisdom teeth are not necessary for proper mastication, so their removal does not negatively affect your ability to chew.

A Tooth Is Severely Cracked

A minor crack in a tooth can normally be filled.  A dentist can even restore a moderately cracked tooth. However, a crown may be necessary in addition to a filling. Nevertheless, when a tooth is cracked completely through its roots, the tooth cannot be saved. It must be removed. 

Once a tooth is divided into two or more pieces through its roots, it can cause a severe oral infection. The crack breaches all of the layers of the tooth, allowing oral bacteria to infect the pulp. The resulting condition is painful and should be treated as soon as possible. 

A severely cracked tooth may require a surgical extraction to ensure that all pieces of the tooth are properly removed.

For more information about tooth extractions, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area.
