Slips And Chips | What To Do After Your Little One Falls And Chips A Tooth

Running, jumping, slipping, falling ā€” kids have a zest for life that leads to many precarious situations. Slips and falls are inevitable, and they frequently result in chipped teeth. If your child fell and chipped a tooth, what you do next depends on the amount of damage done. Ease your mind, and handle the situation confidently by knowing what to do next.

Lead by Example to Keep Your Child Calm

Anytime your child is hurt, it's normal to worry, but excessive worry can easily turn to full-blown panic. If your parental instincts kick in, and you find yourself panicking, take a deep breath, and calm your mind. It's important to stay relaxed so your child stays calm as well. With your child calm, you'll be able to determine the extent of the damage. This is important because treatment depends on how much damage has been done to the tooth.

Find Out If Your Child's Tooth Hurts

Once your child is calm, find out if your little one's tooth hurts. If your child is in pain, the discomfort could simply be coming from sore gums. If your child's gums are bleeding, wipe away the blood, and inspect your child's mouth, paying close attention to the chipped tooth.

When a tooth has only a small chip and is free of pain, odds are the damage isn't severe enough to require treatment; however, if the chip is large, the tooth may be damaged to the point where treatment is necessary.

Gently touch the tooth to see if your child experiences pain. If a slight touch causes pain, call a dentist for assistance immediately. If your child doesn't experience any pain, touch the tooth again while applying a bit more pressure. Again, if your child experiences pain, call a dentist right away. In cases of severe damage, a dental crown or cap may be necessary to protect the compromised tooth.

Locate the Chipped Piece of the Tooth If Possible

Try to find the chipped piece of the tooth. If you can locate it, place the piece in milk to preserve it. A dentist may be able to reattach the chip to your child's tooth if the piece is preserved quickly.

If the tooth only has a tiny chip and is free of pain, dental treatment may not be necessary; however, you'll still want to schedule an appointment to visit a pediatric dentist and have your child's tooth examined to make sure that there's no underlying damage. For more information, visit a website such as
