The Importance Of Saliva For Your Oral Health And Tips For Increasing Its Production

If you want a healthy smile, you probably understand the benefits of brushing, flossing, and visiting a dentist such as BAHMAN GUIV DENTAL regularly. Understanding how your body operates is also essential for caring for your mouth, teeth, and gums. While surprising for most people to learn, saliva plays a large role in your oral health. Considering you produce an estimated 2 to 4 pints of it each day, saliva has to benefit your health and wellness. This guide will give you some insight into the importance of saliva for your mouth, teeth, and gums.

Protects Tooth Enamel

Saliva is not just spit. It contains properties that can protect the health of your teeth.

Food and bacteria quickly eat through tooth enamel, eroding it completely over time. Without sufficient enamel, your teeth will be at risk of severe stains, cavities, decay, and infections.

Calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonate are all elements found in your saliva. These natural elements are known to strengthen and even restore tooth enamel, creating a strong barrier around your teeth.

Protects Mouth and Gums

As you eat, food particles will build up inside your mouth, affecting not only your teeth but also your gum tissue. Brushing and flossing will remove the debris, but small amounts of the food residue may still linger, increasing the risk of bacteria growth and harmful infections.

Saliva acts as a rinse agent for your mouth, washing away food residue and bacteria to prevent cavities, decay, gum disease, and painful infections.

Aids in Digestion

Another surprising way saliva can improve your oral health centers on your digestive system.

This natural liquid that forms from the salivary glands breaks down food during and after you are eating. This allows you to swallow and digest the food properly, reducing the risk of food residue building up in your mouth and throat.

If food residue is left in your mouth, it can cause you to have bad breath for an extended period of time. Known as halitosis, chronic bad breath decreases your appeal while affecting your self-esteem.

Tips for Increasing Saliva Production

There are instances where you may not be producing enough saliva.

Certain prescription medications can cause dry mouth, which affects saliva production. If you are experiencing dry mouth, consider switching medications with the help of your doctor.

Chewing sugarless gum can also increase the production of saliva. Consider chewing on a piece of gum after every meal for a few minutes. This will boost the saliva in your mouth, improving your overall oral health.
