Options For Dealing With Sensitive Teeth

You might struggle to drink or eat hot and cold food if you have sensitive teeth. Luckily, dentists have multiple treatment and coping mechanisms for sensitive teeth. Below are some things that might help.

Deal With the Cause

Different things cause teeth sensitivity. Anything that strips or damages the enamel increases your risk of teeth sensitivity. Diagnose and deal with the cause as part of the treatment process.

For example:

  • You can develop sensitive teeth if you regularly grind and clench your teeth. Dentists refer to the condition as bruxism, and they can help you overcome it and prevent further damage to your teeth.
  • Over-brushing, especially with a hard-bristled toothbrush, can also cause sensitive teeth. In such a case, change your toothbrush and brushing style to desensitize your teeth.
  • Gum disease can trigger gum recession and expose sensitive parts of the teeth normally under the gum line. Gum disease treatment can halt the recession's progress.

The necessary treatment depends on the sensitivity's root.

Use Desensitizing Toothpaste

Desensitizing toothpaste has compounds that remineralize the teeth to restore and strengthen the enamel. Ask your dentist for a recommendation to ensure you use the right product. You will experience the desensitizing effect after the toothpaste's prolonged use.

Get Fluoride Treatment

Your dentist may also recommend fluoride treatments for your sensitive teeth. Fluoride is one of the minerals that form part of the enamel. Your dentist may apply fluoride on your teeth in a gel or varnish. Over time, fluoride minerals from the coating will seep into, seal the damaged sections of the enamel, and desensitize the teeth.

Get Dental Restoration

Extreme teeth damage that exposes the dentin also triggers sensitivity. For example, you might develop sensitive teeth if you crack, split, or break your teeth in a slip and fall accident. Damage due to dental diseases, such as cavities, also triggers teeth sensitivity.

Desensitizing treatments, such as gels and varnishes, cannot help with such extreme damage. You need dental restoration treatments that rebuild or cover the damaged teeth. For example, your dentist may advise you to get dental bonding treatment. For the treatment, the dentist will apply a tooth-colored resin to the tooth and harden it, and the resin becomes part of your tooth.

Whatever you plan to do for your sensitive teeth, ensure you get a professional diagnosis from the dentist. Otherwise, the situation might just worsen as the underlying condition festers. Ensure you follow your dentist's advice to the letter to benefit from their treatment. 

For more information, visit a local dental office
